Ombuds Services
Ombuds Services at Loyola Marymount University provides independent, impartial, confidential, and informal accompaniment for faculty, staff, administrators, and students seeking to address university-related problems, disputes, and complaints on an informal basis.
STUDENTS CONTACT THE OMBUDS FACULTY & STAFF CONTACT THE OMBUDSOmbuds Services exists to help members of the LMU community identify underlying causes of problems, facilitate fair and respectful interactions, establish problem-solving options and explore potential resolutions.
The ombuds holds all communication with those seeking assistance in strict confidence and takes all reasonable steps to safeguard confidentiality, including the following: The ombuds does not disclose confidential communications unless given permission to do so in the course of informal discussions with a visitor; the ombuds does not reveal the identity of any person who contacts or visits the office, nor does the ombuds reveal information provided in confidence that could lead to the identification of a visitor, without that individual’s express permission.
Please note: The ombuds will disclose information provided in confidence if there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm or as otherwise required by law. The ombuds and university assert that in other cases, except for the imminent risk of serious harm or as otherwise required by law, the identity of visitors and their issues is confidential.
For questions, contact the Ombuds office by email at Ombuds@lmu.edu
Explore a brief list of community and conflict management resources from around the web.
- What Is an organizational ombuds?
- International Ombuds Association (IOA) Standards of Practice & Code of Ethics
- Explore the skill building and community building opportunities offered by the Truth, Racial Healing, Transformation Center Alliance to build a restorative culture throughout the LMU community!
- Visit Restorative Justice Practices and Conflict Resolution to learn more about restorative culture-building initiatives in the student affairs division.
- Additional resources can be found on the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion website.
- Informality: The Hidden Treasure in Conflict Resolution