Thank You and Congratulations to AVP Hong


Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to you today with the bittersweet news that our colleague Assistant Vice Provost Rebecca Hong, Ed.D., has been appointed vice provost for Student Success, Inclusive Excellence, and Curricular Innovation at the University of San Francisco. Her last day at LMU will be April 28.

Assistant Vice Provost Hong has served LMU overseeing Educational Effectiveness and Assessment and as the chief accreditation liaison officer since 2019, leading university assessment, accreditation, and institutional change efforts to advance equitable learning environments and respond to the needs of learners in the 21st century.

Among many of her successes during her time at LMU, Assistant Vice Provost Hong:

  • Partnered with faculty in departments and programs to obtain Western Association of Schools and Colleges' Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC) approval to launch four new undergraduate degrees, 16 graduate certificates, 19 master’s degrees, two LMU international locations, the first joint graduate degree, and the first online doctorate.
  • Transformed institutional policies and practices around state authorization and professional licensure, taking LMU from authorization in zero states to 32 states.
  • Positioned LMU to be invited by WSCUC to utilize the new Thematic Pathway Reaffirmation (TPR) option in our upcoming reaffirmation with WSCUC.
  • Improved and streamlined the Academic Program Review process for both undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • Advanced equitable assessment practices by creating undergraduate and graduate positions as research partners in assessment.

These are just some of the highlights that exemplify Assistant Vice Provost Hong’s commitment to academic excellence on our campus. While we will miss Rebecca, I am deeply grateful for the mark she has left on this institution, and the work she has done to promote learning and equity at LMU. Please join me in wishing her all the best in her new position at USF.


Thomas Poon, Ph.D.  
Executive Vice President and Provost 
Professor of Chemistry